Remembering God's Mercy

SKU: 19778

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Winner of the Association of Catholic Publishers 2017 Excellence in Publishing Award: Inspirational Books-First Place! Through the wisdom of three Jesuit saints, the author developed an Ignatian model of healing:
Acknowledge your memories.
Accept that they change the way you see God, your fate, and other people.
Allow God to transform your memories by coloring the past and present with his story of salvation.
Dawn Eden examines how Jesus’ wounds can bring healing to your own hurt through prayer, Mass, the Sacraments particularly confession, and the life of the Church. In each chapter, she will engage you with specific steps to take using the most famous Ignatian prayer, the Suscipe—Latin for “receive”—to transform your past traumas into an offering to God that is united with Jesus’ own self-offering. Paperback, 168 pages.

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