A Blind child regained his sight, a young cripple boy left his crutches behind at the chapel, the sick were cured and faith was strengthened. These miraculous healings bring to mind images of the gospel, or Lourdes, France yet these were all attributed to The Queen of Heaven, Our Lady of Good Help, in Champion, Wisconsin-the first and only approved Marian apparition in the Untied States of America. In 1859, Adele Brice saw a woman all in white standing on a small cloud, a yellow sash at her waist and around her head a crown of twelve stars. Adele's life would change forever. Later, she spoke: "I am the Queen of Heaven, who prays for the conversion of sinners, and I wish you to do the same." She entrusted to Adele a mission, "Teach the children…Teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the sign of the cross, how to approach the Sacraments, that they may know and love my Son; otherwise the people here will lose their faith." Adele did as instructed and soon a chapel was built. Twelve years later, during the great fire of 1871, few were spared but those who sought refuge within the chapel grounds were miraculously protected. Cures and miracles continue to this day. Paperback, 66 pages.