Living the Lectionary, Year C

SKU: 14604

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Living the Lectionary, Year C: Links to Life and Literature
Geoff Wood

Each Sunday we listen to God's word proclaimed in the assembly. We ask ourselves, what does this mean for my life and for our world at this time? How is the biblical word, as Psalm 119 suggests, "a lamp to my feet and a light to my path"?

Geoff Wood's reflections on the Sunday readings make visible scripture's perennial applicability to human experience. Through reference to Western literature as well as his life experiences, he engages our imagination and helps us to see the wisdom of the biblical word shine forth. Homilists will find this resource invaluable as will catechists, youth ministers, and RCIA teams.

Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages.

Also available for Year A and Year B.

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