2024 Workbook for Lectors

SKU: 24760

Sale price$15.00
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Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word® provides the ongoing instruction and advice that ministers who proclaim the Word of God need. On a practical level, it assists them in preparing their assigned reading for a specific day. When they read Workbook every week as a way of reflecting on and learning about the Scriptures, it deepens their spiritual lives and strengthens their proclamation skills.

This resource contains the readings in large print for practice (with suggestions for emphasis in bold), commentaries that give background and explain the meaning of the reading, margin notes with pronunciation guides and tips for proclamation, and the responsorial psalms for reflection and context. Workbook's introduction offers an orientation to this ministry of the Word and an overview of proclamation skills. Paperback, 304 pages.

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